Jan Kerscher
Hi there!
Welcome to my landing page! (It's not really a website yet isn't it?)
Chances are, i got recommended to you and now you'd like to produce, record, mix or master some music with me.
That's so cool - I love producing music! How did you know?
Please get in touch and provide me some information about your project: Type of project, demos, web resources, some words about the about the scope and vision of the project (how many songs, what tasks etc.) and lastly but not leastly your available budget.
Write that up in a nice mail to hi@jankerscher.com and i'll be in touch with some thoughts about how to realize your project!
I am looking forward to hearing from you!
Please note:
If you happen to have my phone number: please, please do not call me to "chat" about your project. I really do love chatting but it's really disruptive to my daily work in the studio, so most of the time i will not pick up the phone. When the basics of our shared project are set via eMail, a voice or video call starts making sense and i will definitely make time for that!